
Test your information architecture using C-Inspector

It is important that users can easily find the information they are looking for on your website – otherwise they’ll leave. It’s a good idea to test your new information architecture with real users before building the site.

Read the full post on how to run effective IA testing using a new tool called C-Inspector and how it compares to Optimal Workshop’s Treejack.

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Introducing Spiritedd: Share your favourite drives online

We have just launched a new online service Spiritedd – “inspiring drives for spirited drivers.” It allows you to post your favourite drives online and share them with fellow spirited drivers. Read the full post for background and further information.

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Design detail: An easier login form

Jakob Nielsen recently posted an article urging designers to stop masking passwords on web forms. We came up with several additional ways of improving your website login form – read the full post for details.

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Test your screen designs with Infomaki

You are redesigning an existing website or working on a completely new design. How do you make sure your design helps users achieve their goals easily? By testing with real users.

Infomaki is a new open source tool from NYPL Digital Experience Group for getting quick feedback on how easy your website is to use. Read the full post for our experiences on how to run effective, lightweight usability testing using Infomaki.

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Naview: Navigation preview tool for rapid IA prototyping

Naview is a new navigation preview tool for rapid information architecture prototyping. It helps information architects design and visualise a new navigational structure and aims to bridge the gap between card sorting and IA user testing. Read the full post for more.

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Introducing Tweetpond: Ambient visualisation of Twitter

Imagine an underwater world where fish are replaced with the latest thoughts from people all over the world. These thoughts fall deeper as they grow older and new ones are displayed on the top as people post them. Introducing Tweetpond, an ambient visualisation of Twitter. Read the full post for more.

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Size matters: Searching residential real estate by floor area

How do you measure value when buying real estate? One important measure among a number of other factors is usable floor area.

We took a look at how size and floor area are represented on online real estate services around the world, and found that floor area is surprisingly underrepresented. Read the full post for more.

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Workshop tip: Name plate template

Do you regularly run workshop sessions with people who have not met each other before? Are many of these sessions one-offs?

We have posted an easy-to-use template you can print and fold to create name plates for workshop participants. They help everyone know who’s who and make discussion easier.

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